The C99 implementation of high-performance generic hash-table container is based on the LCFS-hashing resolver collision algorithm. The library implements forward shift insertion and backward shift deletion.
The C++20 implementation of grow and shrink linearly arrays without memory reallocation, compatible with the C++ STL, supports random access to logarithmic effective complexity and sequential access to amortized constant complexity. The library implements multi-level dynamic array data structure with generic template programming paradigm.
Forward Shift Insertion Algorithm
An alternative insertion algorithm for hash tables that uses open addressing resolver collision (linear probing). Optimal for missing search operations.
Multi-level Dynamic Array Data Structure
Dynamic array data structure that can resize efficiently without needing to grow and shrink geometrically, size can grow and shrink linearly, without any memory spike consequences. Optimal for operations adding data at the end of array, efficient for insertion of large block elements in the middle.